
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Trinity for Kids

holy-trinityHoly Trinity Sunday is coming up this weekend, so I decided to teach my five year old about the Trinity.  To be honest, up until this point I have avoided going too in depth with her on the Trinity because it is a very deep concept and difficult to comprehend, even for adults!  But it is a core teaching and this is a great opportunity to prepare her to better understand what she will learn at church this Sunday.  

To educate myself on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity I looked here at Catholic Culture (which is such a great website!).

Here are some of the ways I plan on teaching my little girl about the Trinity:

Read about the Holy Trinity

I like the explanation that this bulletin provides on the left side, as it is clear and to the point.  The dot-to-dot on the right will create one of the symbols of the Trinity (some of which are included below).  Just ignore or change the date on it, and you are good as gold!
The Kids' Bulletin Trinity Sunday
Printable Trinity Kids' Bulletin
The Kids' Bulletin

Discuss symbols of the Trinity

The following are some symbols used to describe or illustrate the Trinity.  

Trinity Symbols
Catholic Resources

This first one is more kid-friendly version of the Shield of the Trinity, which has been used for hundreds of years.  You can paste it into a word document, print, and have your child color it as a poster or banner for decoration.

Teaching With TLC

The shamrock is also a symbol of the Trinity that was introduced by St. Patrick in Ireland.  The one here can be printed, and your child can attach the labels of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit where they belong.

Trinity (Triquetra)
Triquetra Explanation Christianity

I've seen this Triquetra before, usually as tattoos actually, but didn't know that it is a symbol of the Trinity.  You learn something new everyday!

Use objects to build a concrete understanding

The concept of the Trinity is difficult for kids (and adults) to conceive of because it is beyond our human understanding.  Using objects, in this case water, an egg, or apple to provide examples of how something can be 3 at the same time as 1.  Of course, this can be an oversimplification of the enormity of God, so I'll be sure to emphasize the deeper points, as well.

Ideas for Teaching the Trinity With Objects
Global Post

Eat pretzels!

I'd heard that pretzels symbolize arms crossed in prayer, but they can also symbolize the Trinity.  We're going to be snacking on some pretzels this week!

A craft pretzel made of clay models the Trinity with each compartment representing God in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Pretzel Explains the Trinity
Jesus Did It All

Make Trinity crafts

Here are a couple simple crafts from Catholic Icing that can be done to help kids understand this complex idea.
printable trinity craft for St. Patrick's day that folds open
Printable Trinity Shamrock Craft
Catholic Icing
Simple Trinity Triangle Craft
Catholic Icing

Read bible stories about the Holy Trinity

There are several passages in the bible that tell explicitly of the Trinity.  

One of the best stories to teach this is the baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17.  The following is a video that details the events leading up to and including Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist, the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove, and God speaking.  If you want just the events of Jesus' baptism, start the video at 19:30.

Another passage I love comes from 2 Corinthians 13:13 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the holy Spirit be with all of you."  That would be a great quote to frame and hang up!

Hopefully my Grace and I will at least try a few of these ideas out this week.  May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you!
- Jessica