
Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Five - 5 things from this week #1

I thought it would be fun to share a little about my week, so I'm going to attempt a (fairly) regular Friday Five post of 5 things from the week.  So here goes the first (hopefully not last) Friday Five...

I. A birthday!

This past Saturday, Grace turned 6!  For her birthday she wanted to go camping, so we headed out to Catoctin Mountain Park in Thurmont, MD for a 1 night campout.  

It was a little chilly at night (in the 50's), but otherwise absolutely gorgeous weather and such a needed break from everyday life.  There is nothing more humbling and refreshing than being out in nature.  

II. A little mass and a little Mary 

(Well, actually a gigantic Mary, but we will get to that.)

Sunday we went to mass, smelling like campfires of course.  But it wasn't a typical mass.  

One of our favorite places to visit that we just discovered this past year is the National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at Mount St. Mary's in Emmitsburg.  We went Labor Day weekend for the first time and then again in January for my birthday.  No matter the season, it is one of the most beautiful places.  So as I was planning our camping trip, I read that there would be a special May crowning of the 20 foot tall statue at the Grotto.  When we got there we found out the mass was going to take place outside at the Grotto.  Win!

These pictures really don't do it justice. 

The girls actually did great at mass, and then we processed down to the May crowning, which required a crane.  All around, an awesome Sunday.


III. My cute 3 year old...

When reading the gospel reading for Sunday, we asked Ada (3), what word stood out? (knowing that she has pretty much no idea what's going on)

Ada: "shepherd" (which, by the way, was not in the reading)
Matt:  "why?"
Ada:  "Because there is only one Mary" (while pointing her finger at me)
Me:  "Well, there are other Mary's..."
Ada:  "But deres only one Bwessed Modder"

Completely unrelated to the gospel reading, but I'd say she's getting something!

IV. How did we get here?

Two years ago, I was using this book to teach first graders.  Today, my kindergartener is reading this book.  How did my girl get so old?  

I have watched kids learn to read, which is always very cool, but when it's your own kid, it's like a miracle.  <sigh>

V.  This song.  

Cause it rocks.

Cool side note, Moriah Peters is newly married to one of the guys from For King and Country.  And apparently they had their first kiss at their wedding.  Pretty cute!

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