
Monday, March 2, 2015

Catholic Family Meeting {Prep for 3rd Sunday in Lent - Cycle B}

As you may have noticed in the title, I'm changing up how the family meetings are organized.  Rather than listing the date of the upcoming Sunday, I will put the liturgical day and cycle.  This should make it easier to use these again the future.

This week's gospel reading is the story of Jesus cleansing the temple.  I like this story as it shows a different side of Jesus that many people don't realize exists.  Our culture likes a light, fluffy, hippie Jesus who is fine with anything you do as long as you "love" others or believe in "peace".  Of course Jesus wants us to love others, but loving others includes upholding Truth.  When Jesus saw people disrespecting his Father's home and not following God's commandments, he acted with righteous anger.  He overturned tables and ran the animals out of the temple, all while brandishing a whip. Definitely not "light, fluffy, hippie Jesus".  

During Lent it is especially important to reflect on how we live our lives and whether we are putting God first and living the way He wants.  This reading reminds us to stay focused on God in all we do and to  honor God in our prayer and worship.  

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