
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Catholic Family Meeting {Prep for Sunday, February 8}

This week's gospel reading tells the story of Jesus healing Simon's mother-in-law.  He goes on to heal others afflicted with illness or demonic possessions, and then retreats to the desert to pray before continuing his ministry throughout the whole of Galilee.

A big focus of our Catholic Family Meeting this week is on Jesus taking time to pray.  This is another example of Jesus relying on prayer to carry out his role on earth.  

If Jesus couldn't do God's will on earth without prayer, then why do we often think we can? 

I am working on building my own prayer life by scheduling it into each day and taking that time when the idea enters into my mind.  That is God inviting me to talk with Him.  I can either answer his call or ignore Him.  

During our family meeting, I want to discuss prayer with my children and talk about how my husband and I pray by ourselves.  Sure they hear us pray together as a family everyday, but the only way for them to know how to pray on their own is to be taught ways to do so.  

I hope to save them a lot of trouble later in life by helping to guide them now. :)

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