
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Catholic Family Meeting {Prep for Sunday, January 25} - Fishers of Men

It's a little late in the week for me to post our Catholic Family Meeting, but better late than never!  This week's gospel is a favorite  of mine and a great one for talking with the family about what's most important in our lives.  

"Jesus said to them, 'Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.'  Then they abandoned their nets and followed him."
Mark 1:17-18

Jesus offers this to us everyday.  Not necessarily to abandon our family, jobs, or homes, but to abandon earthly attachments and do His will above all.  This is a difficult thing to do, as we live in a world of earthly things.  

What a great time though, just before lent, to think about the things that attach us to this world, that hold us back from giving our whole selves to God.  Certainly something I will be thinking a lot about in the coming weeks. 

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