
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Catholic Family Meeting {September 28 Sunday Gospel}

A few weeks ago my hubby, Matt, and I started weekly family meetings to prepare our family for Sunday mass.  I posted all about how I started it here.  It has been such a blessing!  We are far better prepared for mass each week, and Grace (5) gets so excited to "meet".  I'm also really impressed with how well she has been memorizing the scripture verse of the week.

I am still figuring out the best way to plan and deliver this family meeting, as I want it to be relatively easy to plan but fruitful, especially for the kids.  I have been using the slideshows that I shared as an outline to make sure we include all the important elements, like prayers, readings, activities, etc., and I have done some tweaking.

Since I am doing all this already, I figured I would just share these weekly Catholic Family Meeting slideshows with all of you.  

All you have to do is open them and go through it with your family.  You will probably want to preview them in advance to be sure you are familiar with the focus of the weekly readings.

So here is the first official Our Catholic Family Meeting slideshow for the meeting leading up to this Sunday, September 28. 

In the future I will try to get the slideshows posted a little earlier in the week, so you can have your meeting on whatever day works best for your family.

I hope you have a blessed family meeting!


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