
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Celebrate St. Nicholas! {December 6}

Did you know the legend of Santa Claus actually comes from a real man?  St. Nicholas (yes, Jolly Old St. Nick) was the Bishop of Myra (now part of Turkey) around 300 years after Jesus' Ascension into Heaven.  He was known as a kind and generous follower of Jesus Christ and is the patron saint of many people and places, including children, sailors, bakers, and pawnbrokers (Yes, pawnbrokers.).  Here is a kid-friendly explanation of who St. Nicholas was and what he did.

St. Nicholas of Myra

St. Nicholas' feast day is December 6th, and there are many fun and easy ways to celebrate.

Learn about St. Nicholas

This short video gives a quick overview about St. Nicholas Day:

St. Nicholas - Discovering the Truth About Santa Claus
St. Nicholas Center
The St. Nicholas Center is a great place to find information about St. Nicholas, as well as activities, recipes, and crafts.
Saint Nicholas VeggieTales DVD
Veggie Tales: St. Nicholas

The Veggie Tales  video St. Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving tells the true story of St. Nicholas (if he were a vegetable, anyway), and incorporates the modern-day St. Nick that brings Christmas presents.  It's available on Netflix Streaming!

Ways to celebrate

    Wooden shoe with treats
    Treats from St. Nicholas
    St. Nicholas Center
  • On the night of Dec. 5, have your kids leave out their shoes in a special place, like the fireplace.  Place treats, like chocolate, coins (or chocolate coins), clementines, and candy canes, in the children's shoes from St. Nicholas.

  • If you haven't already, hang your stockings up in preparation for Christmas.

St. Nicholas Giving Box
Catholic Inspired

St. Nicholas figure
St. Nicholas Center

  • Have a candlelit dinner or a special breakfast with St. Nicholas feast day foods, like the ones here.

For more ideas on how to celebrate St. Nicholas' feast day, check out this page from Catholic Culture.

I hope your family has a wonderful St. Nicholas Day!
- Jessica

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