
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Scavenger Hunt {Little Ones Learning}

Our neighborhood has a lot of festive Halloween decorations up, so I thought I could add a little fun to our daily walk by creating a scavenger hunt.  

For Grace (4), I made a simple scavenger hunt with words and pictures.  Because we have done a scavenger hunt before, Grace was very excited and knew just what to do.  Normally, she needs some push to keep up during our walks.  Today, hunting for Halloween items, she was our little leader.  Ada and Lucas (both 1.5) were also interested in searching for certain things, especially pumpkins and ghosts.  All the talking helps build their vocabulary because, of course, every kid needs to know words like witch, monster, and tombstone!  It did help keep them occupied too.  

Below is the Halloween scavenger hunt that we used.  We were able to find all of these items on our walk around the neighborhood.  It could also be used for a Halloween Party or  other special Halloween-related event.

Click here to open and print
If you or your child want to create your own Halloween scavenger hunt, you can print one of the formats below and fill them out any way you like. 

Click here to open and print

Click here to open and print
I hope your family has a safe and happy Halloween!  

- Jessica

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